Crypto Broker Led by Uber’s Ex-CTO Goes Public on Canadian Exchange

By Natalie Wu | February 13, 2019
Crypto Broker Led by Uber’s Ex-CTO Goes Public on Canadian Exchange

Voyager Digital, a brokerage startup that is co-founded by the ex-CTO of Uber, has gone public in Canada on the Toronto Venture Exchange (TSX-V).

According to the company blog post, shares will be traded under ticker symbol VYGR.V.

The listing is followed by the acquisition of UC Resources Ltd. by Voyager, which led to the formation of Voyager Digital (Canada) Ltd, the newly merged venture crypto brokerage. The move thereby allows Voyager Digital to qualify as a TSX Venture Tier 2 Company.

Since the company has gone public, it will be legally required to disclose both quarterly and annual reports. The company will also be bound to disclose mergers, acquisitions, insider trading, securities transactions by company insiders, and ownership changes.

A number of heavyweights in the tech world, including former Uber CTO Oscar Salazar, and former E*Trade veteran Stephen Ehrlich, have reportedly joined forces to back Voyager in its journey towards becoming a zero-commission crypto trading for U.S. retail investors.

Voyager will be competing for this business with steep competition from other players in the industry, including consumer-facing platforms such as Robinhood and Circle (neither of which charge commissions), as well as industry juggernaut Coinbase.

The firm has revealed its upcoming launch for a mobile app that will allow investors to trade and manage their digital assets across multiple crypto exchanges.

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