Blockchain Can Help Combat Trolls While Ensure Anonymity, Claimed Australia’s eSafety Commissioner

By Shannon Wilson | February 1, 2021

eSafety Commissioner Julie Inman Grant from Australia reportedly mentioned blockchain as an appropriate tool to combat cyber abuse and trolling, while still keeping users’ identity anonymous. 

Specifically, Grant reportedly remarked that despite remaining anonymous offers numerous advantages to general online use, individuals can wrongfully use that edge to harm others. 

And in her opinion, blockchain-based digital IDs could potentially be the key to resolve the situation, via cloaking user’s details, unless the police specifically ask for it. 

“There’s more that they can do in terms of their intellectual capability, their access to advanced technology, their vast financial resources, to come up with better systems to identify who’s on their platforms and violating their terms of service.” Inman Grant reportedly claimed. 

Ms Inman Grant used to be a Microsoft staff in the 1990s, and has also contributed to coming up with the controversial Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act in the U.S – which offer social media firms with immunity from liability for user content.

Utilizing blockchain features to design digital IDs tools is reportedly being put through testing phases by various firms throughout the globe, including Japan, Korea, U.S., and China.

Ontology has reportedly also deep-diving into blockchain-powered ID to enhance its in-car payment solutions, nominally automatic insurance claims, should an accident occur. 

Layer X company from Japan reportedly teamed up with xID harnessing blockchain to design an electronic voting solution. 

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