Block.one Hosts Smart Contract Blockchain Puzzle With $200k Prize

By | February 5, 2020
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Block.one will reportedly host a smart contract blockchain puzzle, hinting at the first prize equivalent to $200,000, for the one that can resolve the puzzle in the shortest time. 

“In this challenge, participants must create an EOSIO Smart Contract which can store and invoke EVM (Solidity) Smart Contracts in a virtual Ethereum-like environment”, notified on February 3rd via EOSIO’s DevPost. 

EOSIO blockchain – designed by blockchain company Block.one – provides storage for the EOS crypto asset. Serving as delegated proof-of-stake blockchain for smart contracts, the platform allows engineers to create decentralized applications (DApps). 

The expiration duration for the competition is 12 months, if no one is able to figure out the answer. The contest will come to a close instantly when an individual completes the puzzle, and seize the prize. 

The use of EOSIO smart contracts, which needs to be in line with a few particular technical rules, are the basic requirements for the competition. 

Moreover, judges will examine entries on an approximate 90-day basis. 

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