AltDex Introduces New Crypto Index Tracking Gaming Altcoins

By Natalie Wu | April 9, 2019

AltDex, the US provider of crypto benchmark indices and market data, has started what it calls the industry’s first benchmark index for blockchain gaming.

Named the AltDex Gaming Index, it focuses on coins and tokens of blockchain projects “directly related to gaming, e-sports or other similar decentralized applications,” AltDex co-founder Tom Stankewicz wrote in an official Medium post (Apr 5).

The initial constituents of the new index are 13 gaming altcoins in the market all differently weighted: Theta Token (THETA), Enjin Coin (ENJ) , WAX (WAX), Decentraland (MANA) , Kin (KIN) , Loom Network (LOOM), MobileGO (MGO), DMarket (DMT), Refereum (RFR), GameCredits (GAME) , Unikoin Gold (UKG), Plair (PLA) , and BitGuild (PLAT) .

AltDex said it chose not to include major platforms like Ethereum, TRON, and EOS etc. as these will “drastically impact” the index’s weighting in a manner that may not necessarily represent blockchain gaming. It added in its explanation that while such blockchains are also used in gaming, gaming is however not their main focus.

Stankewicz said AltDex decided to introduce its Gaming Index after seeing many gaming coins increasingly gain mainstream attention “in recent months”. He cited how Enjin, for example, has become a household name after Samsung decided to have it on board its flagship Galaxy smartphone.

Blockchain and gaming are growing together. TheCryptoSight noted in January that the gaming industry is worth almost $109 billion with some 2.2 billion players worldwide. Even traditional gaming producers like Sony and Microsoft are exploring blockchain options.

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