First Official Blockchain Zone Established In Chinese Province

| 05-Th3-2020

The central Chinese province of Hunan has reportedly authorized the launch of Wanbao blockchain zone, located in the city of Loudi. 

Specifically, the development marks the first time a province-level, Hunan-based blockchain zone is built. 

As revealed by a research paper about China’s 2019 blockchain zone development evaluation, Luodi has secured the 17th spot for top blockchain zone within the country of China

A significant number of big names expanding across sectors have expressed interest in the Luodi blockchain zone, nominally Shareslink, Hyperchain, Incite Data and Shenzhen Defang Technology.

Currently, the total figure for functioning, blockchain-related corporations throughout Hunan stands at 788, lying among the top rankings of the nation, the paper read. 

The Hunan province is looking to establish three major blockchain zone – blockchain industrial parks situated in Wanbao’s new district of Loudi city, along with 2 special projects to be built in Jingkai district and Gaoxing district in the city of Changsha.

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