Blockchain Will Help Build A More Digitally Globalized World, Claimed Wanxiang Rep

By | June 9, 2020
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Dr. Xiao Feng – VP of investment company China Wanxiang Holdings – reportedly believed that blockchain would be one of the keys that helps achieve globalization throughout the world. 

Specifically, the VP has reportedly shared his remarks during the 7th Global Investment and M&A Summit, anticipating a migration from the physical world to a more digital one, regarding globalization, where blockchain, along with different disruptive techs, would serve as the leading tools for this development. 

Blockchain is a digital trust mechanism. Because of its characteristics of irrevocability, delectability and immutability, when we move these data to blockchain, these data can not be tampered with.” He further stated. 

Xiao also claimed that globalization has reportedly brought many advantages to a lot of entities, including China, Wall Street and numerous other firms. Nonetheless, the middle class and industrial workers across multiple developing countries have been victimized by it. 

“With the help of digital technology, the labor force can be traded from now on, and employees do not need to move from the United States to China, although the industry moves to China. Then there is education. Internet English teaching has turned non tradable things into tradable things…” He reportedly remarked. 

Per Xiao, digital globalization will reportedly leave a profound effect on the management systems of many organizations, leading to more going online, giving birth to a new method for goal-setting – “Objectives and Key Results” framework. 

“Because we need to do one thing together in different time and space. We need to be transparent and align our goals, so we need OKR tools.”

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