Blockchain Project Diana Looked to Divide and Tokenize Parts of the Moon

By | July 23, 2019
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A new blockchain-based project, recently rolled out, looks to divide up parts of the land on the moon and sell them in the form of tokens.

Specifically, project Diana – named after the famous Greek God of the moon and hunting – has been officially introduced on July 19th, only one day prior to the 50th celebration of the first spacecraft to land on the moon – the Apollo. 

The project particularly aims to “secure the possible right of man to the Moon to propose a solution to ‘who owns the moon.’

A launched registry will protect acquired access to a specific part of the lunar surface, since apparently the journey of governments exploring space for potential resources is happening rapidly.

“The Diana project aims to clearly define the possible rights of mankind to the Moon, given the increased possibility of ownership disputes, through collective registration.”

“Outer space, including the Moon and other celestial bodies, is not subject to national appropriation by claim of sovereignty, by means of use or occupation, or by any other means.” Diana’s white paper quoted Article II of the United Nations Outer Space Treaty.

The White paper pointed out that private ownership of the moon has not been included in the treaty, which means that further exploitation of the lunar surface is entirely possible. Diana will divide the moon into 3.8 billion parts and tokenize them, hoping to find a way around the private ownership issue, as well as the exploitation of politically dominant bodies.

There will firstly be 2 standardized ERC-20 token available: DIA tokens, perform as an inseparable proof of registration on the moon, and MOND will be a US dollar-pegged token used for facilitating transactions.

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