What is DTOP?

By | July 15, 2021

Project Phase I – Development of Data Trade On-Demand Platform (DTOP) Ecosystem

This is a stage where 3 things for the various types of data created through DataFarm operated by individuals are created for the devices installed on locations of desire. (1)Providing of the technology solution, (2)development of blockchain platform for creating a DTOP ecosystem creation and encouragement of individuals to self-contribute their data through a DTOP-Native coin reward system and(3) an online marketplace for these accumulated data to be guaranteed of their individual ownership, traded and sold to purchasers (corporates, research institutes, etc.) so contributors can be rewarded in coins that can be converted into FIAT currency.

Project Phase II – Jumpstart of Value Co-creation Process based on DTOP Ecosystem

After achieving the first target in establishing the DTOP ecosystem, a new business model in ‘Value co-creation which creates value together between ecosystem participants and corporates will be created. This step has individuals participating in the DTOP ecosystem not just play a passive role as consumers to corporates developing new products or services but also form a new lead in management by participating in the manufacturing process.

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Currently, DTOP is ranked 5215 on Coinmarketcap.

DTOP has been listed on a number of crypto exchanges, unlike other main cryptocurrencies, it cannot be directly purchased with fiats money. However, You can still easily buy this coin by first buying USDT from any fiat-to-crypto exchanges and then transfer to the exchange that offers to trade this coin, in this guide article we will walk you through in detail the steps to buy DTOP.

