Uganda President to Host Africa Blockchain Conference in Kampala this July

By | June 25, 2019

Yoweri Museveni – the current president of Uganda – is reportedly going to lead the “Africa Blockchain Conference” – which will be held in Kampala in July this year.

Reported by the local news outlet Kabuubi Media Africa on June 24th, The 2019 Africa Blockchain Conference – one of the 2 major blockchain-related conference taking place this year, aside from the Blockchain Africa Conference in April – will happen during 3rd and 4th of July, which primarily aim to “Preparing Africa for the 4th Industrial Revolution.” The topic will revolves around fintech, payment systems, and the future of education.

In his inaugural speech, president Museveni was reportedly on board with the blockchain-based technology implementations taking place in Uganda. Museveni has mentioned 4 economic areas, which can grow rapidly with the aid of blockchain technology, including agriculture, manufacturing and processing, services, and the ICT sector.

“While initially being marred by scams and cons, significant value has moved to cryptos with major markets like Nigeria, Kenya and South Africa with significant crypto holdings also trading activity.” Noah Baalesanvu – director of the firm in charge of hosting the conference CryptoSavannah – remarked regarding the the maturation of cryptocurrencies in Africa.

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