Tezos Teamed Up With Singapore Firm to Roll Out Developer-focused Training Program

By | November 24, 2019

Tezos has reportedly teamed up with Tribe – the authorities-supported blockchain firm from Singapore – in an attempt to introduce a developer-focused training program on Tezos blockchain

Specifically, on November 21, Tezos Southeast Asia (TSA) – a non-profit branch specialized in integrating Tezos tech in the market – partnered with Tribe to roll out a project, aimed at developers, to encourage them to use Tezos-developed tech for designing blockchain applications that are functional to the real world.

“By enabling trainers with a good knowledge of Tezos blockchain technology, they will be able to amplify the impact in their respective teams through the continual transfer and sharing of knowledge to new learners.” Caleb Kow – head of TSA – has shared his remarks regarding the collaboration announcement. 

Previously, Tezos has extensively invested time and resources in accelerating its self-designed platforms in the community. In September 2019, Tezos has issued a new batch of grants, 14 in total, to projects with the primary goal to further the growth of the foundation’s technology – including Tezos smart contracts, Tezos block explorers, tools for smart contract development, Tezos-focused training materials, as well as marketing plans that will drive the acknowledgement level of the ecosystem up.

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