Telegram Introduces TON Blockchain Code on September

By | September 2, 2019

Telegram blockchain project Telegram Open Network (TON) is expected to release the code needed to run a TON node on September.

The news originally came from two insiders, one investor of Telegram’s token sale, another from TON Labs, a tech startup founded to build developer tools for Telegram. 

The release of the code will benefit multiple users since they will be able to run their own nodes. Until now, TON’s test network has been supporting only one operation node, which was ran by Telegram. 

According to purchase agreement for Telegram’s 2018 token sale, users can only run nodes on testnet, with a mainnet launch expected for Oct. 31.

Earlier, Telegram is reportedly testing out the beta version of its blockchain dubbed Telegram Open Network (TON), with access granted to a handful of global programmers. Prior to the launch, Telegram has amassed $1.7 billion funding from two private initial coin offering (ICO) rounds, both going towards the development of TON, backed by Telegram’s native token called Gram, and the app itself.

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