North Vancouver Turning to Bitcoin to Provide Heat For Residents

By | October 18, 2021

MintGreen, cleantech crypto miner from Canada, will reportedly be collaborating with the Lonsdale Energy Corporation to make heat available at the households of North Vancouver in British Columbia.

Specifically, MintGreen reportedly revealed that its “digital boilers” – which it believes to have the ability to save over 96% of the electricity used for Bitcoin (BTC) mining – will stop 20,000 metric tons of greenhouse gases per megawatt going into the atmosphere, in its plan with the North Vancouver.

The recovered energy will reportedly be dedicated towards heating 100 residential and commercial buildings throughout the Canadian suburban area, having an approximate population of 155,000. 

Colin Sullivan, the Head of MintGreen, reportedly remarked that the primary goal of the collaboration is to handle challenges associated with climate change. 

According to insights included in a December 2020 report from the Global Alliance for Buildings and Construction, building operations and their construction are responsible for around 38% of carbon dioxide emissions in urban areas.

Crypto users struggling with the cold throughout the winter time usually tap mining rigs to acquire heat. MintGreen has reportedly formed an alliance with the Vancouver Island Sea Salt facility and the Canadian whiskey company Shelter Point Distillery, to sell off its heat waste from BTC mining to partially run their operations.

MintGreen claimed that it has plans down its pipeline to start the project next year, with the most realistic timeline being the start of another harsh Canadian winter.

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