Google Working on Enhanced Browser Display for Crypto Search Results

By | March 26, 2019
Google Working on Enhanced Browser Display for Crypto Search Results

Google, one of technology’s own Big Four, appears to be expanding its cryptocurrency-related features for its existing array of services.

Crypto media outlets have started taking note that the tech giant is looking to enhance the related content displayed in Google browser searches on cryptos. The aim appears to be to provide search users more detailed information about a particular crypto being searched for, but also other associative information and details about related cryptos.

The enhanced search display is reportedly in its testing phase. The new version will supposedly have new features such as an additional crypto display bar placed below the search bar and above the “top stories” list.

Google has been blending big data with its search algorithms to specially crawl larger blockchains like Bitcoin and Ethereum in order to make more data publicly available.

Searching for XRP, for example, on the prototype version of Google Search yields the additional bar showing graphical tabs that can be clicked for Ripple, Bitcoin, Litecoin, IOTA, Cardano, Stellar, Dogecoin and Ethereum.

Elsewhere, Google has incorporated four major cryptos into its currency conversion tool – Bitcoin (BTC), Bitcoin Cash (BCH), Ethereum (ETH), and Litecoin (LTC). It has also added Bitcoin’s symbol onto its iOS keyboard.

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