Crypto Scammers Stole Thousands from an Aussie Couple and Taunted Them for Their Losses

By | July 6, 2019
Crypto Scammers Stole Thousands from an Aussie Couple and Taunted Them for Their Losses

Scammers have recently stolen over AU$20,000 (US$14,000) by leading an Aussie couple to invest to a trading scheme, then even taunted the victims for being tricked.

Specifically, Nick and Josie Yeomans have exposed with the scamming site via by surfing Facebook, which used the domain Coinexx.org (faking Coinexx.com). At first, the couple said they did receive good profits by investing on the website. 

By giving back the couple small returns, scammers were able to convince them make more costly investments. Until the fund reached over AU$20,000 and they did not invest more, the firm shut down and took away all the money. 

Scammers did not intend to steal quietly. They also sent a message to the couple via WhatsApp, stated:

“Let me save you the stress, cus you’ve been through a lot already. Coinexx is a scam. Everything and everyone involved are the same. Don’t bother about trying to get back your money. … Just focus on getting money to take care of your family.”

Answering ABC, The Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC) claimed that the details that the Yeomans given “have the appearance of a Ponzi scheme.”

Recently, the United States Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) has reportedly pressed charges against a Californian man, who is believed to be running a multi-million dollar cryptocurrency Ponzi scheme. The scheme included a “coin” that would be awarded to investors who have put their money up for investing, which can then be turned into a specific type of digital coin called PRO Currency. By doing so, Pacheco has caused a $26 million worth of financial damage to his victims.

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