Bored Apes Founders Put Up Proposal Of New Model For NFT Creator Royalties

By | November 9, 2022

The founder of Bored Ape Yacht Club (BAYC) reportedly made his appearance in the ongoing NFT creator royalties scene, paving a potential path forward that they believe to fix the problem most completely.

Specifically, A Nov. 8 blog post from BAYC co-founder Wylie Aronow – co-signed by co-founders Greg Solano and Kerem Atalay – reportedly revealed that per their perspective, creator royalties are “the single most important factor that brought them [creators and artists] into the ecosystem.”

The post was an action to response to OpenSea’s Nov. 6 announcement sharing their decision to offer supporting features regarding other NFT marketplaces on royalty enforcement, which Aronow claimed displays its intent “to move with the rest of the herd and remove creator royalties for legacy collections from their platform,” and opined this move was “not great”. 

”For as much as NFTs have been about users truly owning their digital assets, they’ve also been about empowering creators.”

In response, the BAYC founders put up a new proposal in the form of a model for NFT royalties, which utilizes “allow lists” coded into an NFT collections smart contract that offers permission for NFT trading between regular wallets but only enables NFT trading for “marketplaces that respect royalties.”

Explanations for the way a basic version of this would operate was issued, with the first step being to check if the wallet is a regular wallet or a smart contract making the transfer request.

Regular wallets would have transfer requests allowed, while transfers conducted by smart contracts are verified against “an oracle of contracts that are known to respect royalties,” with the requests passed should a match is located.

This model would make it possible for free wallet-to-wallet transfers, which the BAYC founders underscore is a high necessity to make sure one of the core perks of NFTs – asset ownership – is acknowledged with owners having the freedom to move assets between wallets free-of-charge.

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