Blockchain-based Gas Distributing Platform Authorized For Nationwide Expansion In Argentina

By | March 20, 2020
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Enargas – the agency in charge of regulating gas in Argentina – reportedly granted greenlight to a blockchain-powered tool for tracking gas distribution.

Specifically, the platform – generally known as “Gasnet” – has entered pilot phase led by the Argentina-based distributor Gasnor, providing services to more than 2 million residents. The system is now clear to further its scope to cover the entire nation. 

According to a representative from RSK – the blockchain platform employed in designing the system – the regulator has approved of this development thanks to the benefits experienced by Enargas.

“It is easier to control for the regulator authority and more effective the way that gas distributors share their key processes with the regulator.”

Gasnet is specialised in supervising service providers, and process transactions upon the finalization of reconnection certificates registration, or when there is new installation. To do so, the firm has adopted RSK smart contracts and its RIF second-layer feature. RSK has partnered with local software designing firm Grupo Sabra to release the tool. 

The developing work was initiated in 2019. And now, all parties have received regulatory authorization from Enargas to for a national-level expansion, offering services to all interested distributors. 

“The implementation of the blockchain solution […] will enable [us] to streamline our processes, reduce costs, improve time to market, and most importantly provide a much better user experience.” Gasnor chief information officer, Carlos Amín, shared his remarks regarding the development.

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