Federal Judge Dismissed Lawsuit from Defrauded ICO Investors Against DJ Khaled and Floyd Mayweather

By Warren Hayes | May 17, 2019
Federal Judge Dismissed Lawsuit from Defrauded ICO Investors Against DJ Khaled and Floyd Mayweather

On Monday, a federal judge has dismissed a legal complaint, filed by investors from a fraudulent ICO, against the American record producer DJ Khaled, and the renowned professional boxer Floyd Mayweather.

As stated in a court document, the high-profile pair has reportedly engaged in the promoting activities of CentraTech’s ICO. However, due to the lack of evidence from the ones who pressed charges, showing the celebrities’ actions directly led them purchase the tokens, Robert Scola – Southern District of Florida federal judge – has dismissed the case.

Previously, Mayweather took to social media – specifically Twitter – to show a picture of him holding CentraTech’s debit card with the caption: “Spending Bitcoin, Ethereum and other types of cryptocurrency in Beverly Hills…”. Before the ICO was officially available for purchases, Mayweather advised his followers to go buy the tokens “before they sell out”.

According to judge Scola, the plaintiffs showed no concrete proof that they neither actually are the famous boxer’s followers on Twitter, nor that they have seen the Tweet. Additionally, the 2 investors who brought the legal action has, in fact, bought CentraTech ICO prior to when Mayweather started promoting the coin.

DJ Khaled also promoted the ICO via his personal Instagram account, and has also escaped from any legal consequences regarding the same allegations.

DJ Khaled and Floyd Mayweather were accused of illegally promoting ICOs by the SEC in November 2018. Mayweather also didn’t legally reported the $100,000 payment received from Centra Tech, and DJ Khaled $50,000 from the firm.

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