Turkish crypto exchange Became COPA Member to Battle ‘Patent Trolls’


Top-tier Turkish crypto exchange BtcTurk reportedly became a part of the crypto patent alliance (COPA) to team up with prominent firms, to offer open access to patents and drive crypto adoption.

Specifically, COPA reportedly works towards the goal of putting an end to patents, since it’s regarded as a block in the road for innovations throughout the industry. 

The nonprofit prefers a more communal approach in terms of intellectual property. Its members include high-profile crypto establishments such as Coinbase, Block, and Aquarius.

Besides crypto-centric firms, different companies like MicroStrategy and Meta have also become a part of COPA. The entities vowed to keep public patents on crypto and blockchain tech to stay accessible to the public.

Per Özgür Güneri, the Head of BtcTurk, as a measure for enhancing the crypto ecosystem, the firm made a decision to take part in COPA and donate some funds to the nonprofit to help with its work. Güneri explained that the nonprofit plays an important role in the protection of technologies within crypto, particularly with Bitcoin (BTC).

Moreover, the Head of exchange also noted that BtcTurk will establish cooperation with COPA in different aspects of their projects, including association in their judicial processes and being available to requests from the nonprofit.

Ayça Aktolga Öztürk, the chief legal counsel for BtcTurk, also made remarks on the topic, claiming that the exchange will help COPA in standing against “patent trolls,” or the ones who use trademark-patent laws in a malicious way and legislative protection as leverage. The executive expressed excitement about working with COPA and supporting the ecosystem as a whole.

Two years ago, Block, Inc. reportedly introduced COPA to pool blockchain and crypto patents into one library, to guarantee open access to the technologies designed by its member companies. The alliance recognized that crypto adoption is in its initial phases and that its success depends on the community’s efforts to develop on top of existing technologies.

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