Nigerian President to Officially Introduce eNaira Central Bank Digital Currency

| 26-Th10-2021

Nigerian President Muhammadu Buhari is reportedly gearing up to complete the official rollout of the nation’s central bank digital currency (CBDC), the eNaira.

Specifically, The Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) has reportedly issued a document, offering their reaffirmation regarding the plan to release the  eNaira, following an initial failed effort to carry it out on Oct. 1.

Per the details in the design paper, the CBN í reportedly satisfied with its current preparation status to complete the implementation of Nigeria’s CBDC. 

The CBN is reportedly investing resources in an international crypto which will be operational as a payment measure, as well as a store of value apart from taking over the role of cash.

The CBN, in its own statement, has reportedly spoken down of the associated risks regarding not meeting the deadline. Instead, the bank reportedly highlighted the value of achieving the success status for every part in the first time, and how getting that done would make contributions to the success of digital currencies in the long haul. 

The CBN reportedly put emphasis on how important it is to execute correctly right from the start, instead of trying to meet the deadline for the digital currency release date in a hasty manner, where sufficient approvals have not been granted. 

Previously, the Nigerian Federal High Court had reportedly given their greenlight for the introduction of a CBDC as a legal tender on Oct. 2.

The CBN published the document reportedly containing its design principles for the eNaira, along with an overview of the expectations for the Nigerian digital currency. Both documents can be viewed on the bank’s website in English and were also provided in Hausa and Yoruba.

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