Salesforce CRM System Finalized Integration Of Lition Commercial Blockchain

| 10-Th4-2020

Salesforce – one of the most preferred tools for CRM-related tasks – has reportedly finalized the integration process of commercial blockchain tech developed by Lition. 

Specifically, Lition is among the group of public/private blockchain receiving support from the heavyweight in the cloud services sector – Microsoft Azure. 

Per Lition, this integration of its blockchain with Salesforce system will enable the CRM management provider to utilize the data decentralization, for an enhanced level of security, regarding its CRM architecture, in the future. 

“Building a dependency upon data that is completely centralized creates operational risks. Extracting that data is not always guaranteed. A GDPR compliant blockchain is a great way to decentralize some of that dependency.”

The technology provided by Lition will be accessible, through an application visible via the cloud network of Salesforce, providing services to over 150,000 Salesforce users, ranging from small-scale establishments to firms listed in the list of Fortune 500. including the services nominally data recording, certification, and security, in a simplified and confidential way. 

“Lition’s blockchain is quite unique in this context  because it will provide a privacy-law compliant layer where forms can take advantage of the decentralized characteristics of blockchains.” Benni Woerpel – marketing manager of Lition – further remarked.

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